ETFO Hastings Prince Edward Teacher Local



Terms of Reference

  1. To make all required arrangements for the conducting of the events.
  2. To fulfill the requirement as specified in the Constitution, Article VIII, Meetings.





Terms of Reference (Full Version)

  1. To recommend the content, method, and distribution of collective bargaining information developed by ETFO.
  2. To review the Local’s “Terms of Reference” and make revision recommendations.(see Appendix, ToR).
  3. To develop Local positions relative to ETFO approved bargaining goals.
  4. To recommend training opportunities for the Local Table Team and committee members.
  5. To utilize bargaining resources developed by ETFO.
  6. To compare the Model Agreement with the Local Collective Agreement and make recommendations.


Amira Loney – Chair and Local Chief Negotiator

Sarah MacKay – Vice Chair

Justine Bucknell

Jane Scanlan-Price

Ryan Blake

Danielle Saunders

Jason Surgent

Derek Watt

Troy Thrower

Shani Doucet


Terms of Reference

  1. To address educational issues from a Local perspective.
  2. To use multiple formats (eg. print, electronic, spoken) in communicating the ETFO message to members and the public.

Membership – Communications

Sarah Mackay

Membership – Public Relations



Terms of Reference

  1. To recommend strategies to assist members in self and other awareness of and respect for human rights issues.
  2. To develop and implement programs with the other Local committees that promote greater participation of members and nonmembers who belong to equity-seeking groups.
  3. To utilize ETFO materials and strategies in realizing the committee’s goals.
  4. To recommend to the Executive and committee Chairs training opportunities. 


Sarah MacKay – Executive Liaison

Jamie Stevenson – Chair


Terms of Reference

  1. To advise the Executive as to the perspective of new members on Local initiatives.
  2. To develop and implement, in communication with other Local committees, programs for new members.
  3. To make recommendations to the Executive regarding the support and means to encourage new members to the profession.
  4. To recommend strategies to educate new members on their role and responsibilities as members of the Local Union.


Jason Surgent – Executive Liaison

Sherry Simms – Chair

Kyllie Daniels – Committee Member

Caitlyn Sharpe – Committee Member

Jennifer Lessard – Committee Member

Ann Marie Christie – Committee Member

Brianna Sills – Committee Member


Terms of Reference

  1. The Goodwill Chair will adhere to the principles as set out by the Local. The Goodwill Chair may attend Executive meetings. The Chair will provide for the budget committee a budget to enable the operation of member recognition. The Goodwill Chair will annually review the terms of reference and recommend changes to the Constitution Committee. The Chair will annually inform the Executive and Stewards of available Recognitions and the process to access the Member Recognition items:
Recognition Items:


  1. Annually to those on LTD or long-term sick leave.
  2. To incoming exchange teachers.
  3. To those on pregnancy / parental leave

Gift Card and Card ($55)to:

  1. Active member on occasion of birth or adoption.
  2. Active member on the occasion of her/his marriage.

Flowers or donation upon request and Card (approximate cost $75 – including delivery to:

  1. An active member absent due to prolonged illness (two weeks plus).
  2. An active member on the death of immediate family member (defined in Collective Agreement).
  3. An active member on the death of a student in the member’s class.
  4. The family on the death of administrative staff of the Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board.
  5. The family on the death of a trustee of the Hastings Prince Edward District School Board.
  6. The staff of the school, upon the death of a member of the staff.

Memorial Donation to a Charity of Choice ($100):

  1. Upon the death of an active member. Notification of the donation will be made to the family of the active member.


REM – Liaison

Jane Scanlan-Price – Chair

**Goodwill requests for the North SG schools are to be forwarded to Lynn Van der Woude


Terms of Reference

  1. To advise the Executive of Local health and safety issues.
  2. To inform and advise Local Members of health and safety issues.
  3. To make recommendations to the Executive based on information provided to the Joint Health and Safety committee for use in negotiations and communication.
  4. To educate Local members on their roles and responsibilities to maintain a safe workplace


Jason Surgent – Executive Liason

Stephanie Donaldson – Chair

Jason Surgent – Joint Health and Safety Rep

Gavin Foster – Joint Health and Safety Rep

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Terms of Reference

  1. To direct members to appropriate pension information, sources and opportunities.




Terms of Reference

  1. To advise the Executive and make recommendations to enhance the profile of political issues within the Local.
  2. To foster and encourage programming that invites greater political involvement by Local members.
  3. To promote member and community awareness of World Teacher Day, October 5.
  4. To incorporate ETFO issues strategies in the development of Local programming.
  5. To make recommendations designed to strengthen the Local’s partnership with other teacher federations, Quinte Labour Council and like groups, in order to foster a broad-based response to social justice issues.
  6. To work with the Equity and Status of Women Committee to address social justice issues.


Jane Scanlan-Price – Executive Liaison

Danielle Saunders – Chair

Marlene Sutton – Committee Member


Terms of Reference

  1. To develop program recommendations related to professional learning and curriculum for consideration by the Executive.
  2. To advocate on behalf of the members of the Federation and propose initiatives related to professional learning and curriculum.
  3. To provide advice on the content, delivery and design of Local professional learning and curriculum programs.
  4. To advise the Executive on matters relating to the professional learning work of the committee.


Jane Scanlan-Price – Executive Liaison

Teresa Hadley – Chair


Terms of Reference

  1. To plan and facilitate opportunities to encourage social involvement by Local  members
  2. Commemorate World Teacher’s day, held annually on October 5th, with ETFO member recognition.
  3. Promote employee wellness and acknowledge teachers for work well-done.
  4. To make recommendations to the Executive regarding the enhancement of teacher morale within the Local.


REM – Executive Liaison

Derek Watt – Chair

Jade Holloway – Committee Member

Diane Jardine – Committee Member

Ashley Mayer – Committee Member

Lynn van der Woude – Committee Member


Terms of Reference

  1. To advise the Executive on ways of enhancing the status of women in the Local.
  2. To develop policy recommendations for the Executive and the Annual Meeting to assist the Local to establish policies that are relevant to women’s issues.
  3. To provide advice on the content, delivery, and design of status of women programs for the Local.
  4. To make recommendations to the Executive for possible action on issues related to the status of women.
  5. To make recommendations to the Executive on outreach to community-based women’s organizations.


Jane Scanlan-Price – Executive Liaison

Shani Doucet – Chair

Adrienne Deveau-Wachner – Committee Member

Danielle Miller – Committee Member

Linda Hillier - Committee Member



Federation House

114 Victoria Avenue

Belleville, ON K8N2A8

P: 613.968.3707

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Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario